Therapies & Pricing

Counseling Services with Lucas

55 minutes: $160

In this non-traditional method of counseling with Lucas, a "bottom-up" approach is used by working with somatic awareness. Session is geared toward identifying, processing, and releasing core neurophysiological sources of emotional/body pain, trauma, dissociation, and a variety of other challenging symptoms. Brainspotting techniques are incorporated. Biolateral sound is used to assist with brain synchronization. Parts Work is utilized for the exploration of unprocessed past emotional wounds/trauma; with the overall goal of releasing old narratives in order to create room for new experiences and possibilities.

*Session is available in office or via Telehealth.

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New Client Intake Appointment with Lucas

55 minutes: $175
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Ketamine-Assisted Psychotherapy (KAP) with Lucas

3 hours: $405.00



Ketamine-Assisted Psychotherapy is a holistic psychedelic modality that combines ketamine treatment with dedicated psychotherapy. Earthworks Healing Arts works in partnership with Journey Clinical to offer KAP as an effective way to improve depression and anxiety symptoms. Email for more information.

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Somatic Therapy with Erin

55 minutes: $120

Unexpressed emotions and excess survival energy can be stored in the nervous system and the body. Subsequently, our bodies and their symptoms & sensations serve as gateways into our individual stories and experiences. Every narrative that is waiting to be heard or action that the body has not yet been able to complete will communicate through the language of the body. Various tools are used to help the nervous system rest and become more regulated. As the body and nervous system settle into experiences of support and safety, deeper work can begin of gently releasing excess and outdated energy that's been keeping the client "stuck". As the client explores sensations, emotions, and body cues, practitioner and client will journey together through personal body stories as they gradually and gently unwind and release. Sessions may include chair work and touch work (if the client is comfortable receiving touch.) Advanced level Somatic Experiencing® techniques and protocol are incorporated throughout the session, with the ultimate goal of the body and nervous system becoming re-entrained to a state of regulation.

*Session is available in office or via Telehealth. 

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New Client Somatic Therapy Intake with Erin

75 minutes: $140



Schedule this appointment for your first visit to establish as a new client for Somatic Therapy with Erin. 

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Safe and Sound Protocol - Polyvagal Theory-Based Therapy with Lucas or Erin

5 hours: $160

The Safe and Sound protocol is a non-invasive adjunctive listening therapy featuring specially filtered music that stimulates the vagus nerve through the inner ear. This resets the nervous system and helps the client return to a calm and grounded state, which encourages a feeling of well-being and positive engagement. When used in conjunction with other therapies, SSP helps to produce a better therapeutic outcome. An individual listening plan is established during intake assessment. Total core program listening time is 5 hours. Completion time may vary according to client's level of needs. 

Program may not be suitable for all populations. The Safe and Sound protocol has been proven to be helpful for clients who are experiencing the following challenges: anxiety, inattention and focus, auditory sensitivities and heightened startle reflex, behavioral regulation and resilience, physical coordination and balance, reading and auditory processing, sleep, speech and language, social and emotional difficulties, trauma and PTSD, stressors that impact social engagement, clients with digestive difficulties, and many more.

The price of the Safe and Sound Protocol does not include the cost for the intake. Intake fees are based off of individual clinician's fee schedules. The protocol offers an app that can be listened to at home (in most cases). The protocol must still be used in conjunction with counseling/therapy in our office. Both Lucas and Erin are SSP provider Certified. 

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Reiki Session with Erin

55 minutes: $120

Reiki is a noninvasive complementary treatment that can be used in conjunction with mental health services and conventional medical treatments. It is both powerful and gentle, and used in support of treatments of almost every known dysfunction.

Reiki is an ancient form of Japanese healing where the practitioner acts as a conduit of universal energy or "chi" to the client. It is a common belief in vibrational medicine that all dis-ease exists as a blockage in the body's energy field before it manifests in physical form as actual disease. Reiki helps to release energetic blockages in the body and encourages balance on a physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual level.

The client, lying fully clothed on a massage table, will most frequently experience warmth and vibrations, or pulsing coming from the palms of the Reiki practitioner. It isn't uncommon for clients to also experience visuals of fractal shapes or geometric patterns and colors. Experiences can vary from session to session. Crystals individually tailored to to the client's vibrational healing will be placed under the massage table. Solfeggio Tuning Forks are used to open the chakras. The practitioner will move head-to-toe with intentional hand placements for most optimal flow of energy. Relaxation, stress relief, a sense of peace, emotional release, and relief from minor pain are common experiences both during and after a Reiki session.

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Intuitive Somatic Reading & Coaching with Erin

55 minutes: $120

Do you know our bodies tell our stories? It’s true! Everything from unexpressed emotions, to limiting self beliefs, to concern about a family member’s illness is carried within our bodies. This empowering and validating session is in dialogue format. Common topics touched upon include unprocessed grief, outdated narratives still affecting the client, current or potential illness, suggestions for restorative healing, career path guidance, and so much more. 

The session begins with Numerology. Client's Lifepath/Destiny number and Yearly Number will be shared. Then, using Reiki as the canvas, a safe space is created for healing and balance. As the client comfortably lies fully-clothed on their back on the treatment table, a crystal grid is built beneath them. An energetic connection is made with the client through the chakras, and using light touch. Intuitive insight is then shared with the client. Each session is delivered with the intention to promote general wellness through awareness.

*Session is available in office or via Telehealth.



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